Eid ul Fitr will be celebrated on Thursday, May 13th

There will be three (3) Eid Prayers at CIMIC on Eid Day

  • 7:30 AM, 10 AM and 11 AM

CIMIC official announcement/details for Eid are published here

You can also ‘Tune-In’ on CIMIC Social Media or Live broadcast page for the 10 AM Prayer

There is also going to be a Drive Through Eid gifts for Kids outside the Masjid (Western Ave.) starting at 10:00 am.



Kids!- Grab some ice cream as well on your way back from the Masjid after the prayers (as long as it lasts..)



If you haven’t paid your $12/person Zakat ul Fitar please do so via this link (Now Disabled as of 11:00am Eid Day) and also donate to your Masjid here – Jazakallah Khair